
Hi Consulat team,

Congratulations on your MVA win!

Pleasure meeting you on Thursday. I have compiled a quick shortlist of directors on our roster that features their diversity, skills, interests and aesthetics. This is just a short snippet, but you will find no shortage of comedy, VFX and camera trickery that we will be happy to talk you through on Wednesday.

Speak soon.

awaiting confirmation

Bohdan Rohulskyi

Bohdan is our fresh new director signing. As you can see from his profile, he has a keen eye for youth culture, as he imaginatively plays with mixed formats, and VFX. Incorporating a good dose of culture, music, and camera trickery always make for a fun and cool watch.

awaiting confirmation

Kristyna Archer

Kristyna Archer, is an imaginative and inventive director, think Wes Anderson but in the ad world. She is a pro at working with high-profile talent and has a keen eye for colour and composition, which she couples with a slice of musicality, humour and hyperrealism which create quirky, whimsical and engaging projects.

awaiting confirmation

Heydon Prowse

Heydon is a comedic director with over 10 years of experience creating viral online ads. He is notorious for making mockumentaries and creating clever dialogue. He has a great knack for tackling social issues head-on, in an impactful manner but also in a humourous and heartfelt way.

awaiting confirmation

Peter Lee Scott

Peter Lee Scott is a award winning director, known for his light comedy, and contemporary spots, Peter’s distinct style comprises innovative camera moves, stylised transitions and a playful blend of VFX.

awaiting confirmation

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